5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting IVF

Hindsight is always 20/20 with anything in life – but wouldn’t it be nice if some lessons didn’t have to be learned the hard way? When you’re on the path to IVF, you don’t need any other hard lessons in life – which is why you deserve to know the five following pieces of information from some of NCFMC’s successful patients.

5 Things Women Should Know Before Starting IVF

Knowing the following may ease your way along the IVF treatment journey – even if they aren’t all easy to read or accept.

1) Fertility treatments will become the primary focus of your life

If you’re pursuing IVF then just about everything else in your life will take a backburner – no volunteer committees, no planning huge holiday parties for friends, no anything that requires your close attention to detail or serious energy. If you over commit – or think your calendar will bend to your fertility treatment whims – you’ll wind up disappointed and with a lot of cancellations to communicate.

2) Giving yourself shots isn’t all that hard, really!

Most women (and their partners) are scared to death about giving themselves shots, a requirement when you’re taking the injectable fertility meds required for egg retrieval. The good news is, it’s not nearly as hard as you think. These medications are injected subcutaneously, meaning right under the skin, using a very small needle. It’s the same type of needles used by those with diabetes who require insulin shots. There isn’t a whole lot of expertise required and after the first few injections, they’re rarely painful. Plus, the NCFMC IVF nurses are pros and can teach anyone to give a painless injection.

3) Your body will no longer feel like your own – and it’s going to change

Hormones are powerful – really, really powerful. If you’ve ever suffered from a really bad round of PMS, you have a general idea. However, once you’re taking fertility medications, you’ll experience hormones in new and ever stronger ways. You may no longer feel control of your emotions, your moods or your reactions to things. Your body will change – bloating, cramping, abdominal bruising, food cravings, potential weight gain, breast tenderness, an inability to exercise normally leading up to and after egg retrieval – all take their toll. But, it’s good practice for being pregnant. The more you and your partner know and accept this ahead of time, the more you will be able to grin-and-bear-it (saying – “it’s the hormones again….”) as you go up and down the roller coaster.

4) You’ll need more support than you originally thought

Your partner, friends and family are there for you but they may not be enough to cut it when the going gets tough. It’s wise to line up a few different layers of infertility support before you start IVF treatment so they’re there for you if you need it. Of course, your physicians, nurses and staff at NCFMC are always here to help. We understand. That’s why we’re here! Read, Infertility Support in the Sacramento for more information along those lines. And don’t forget that fertility counselors can provide invaluable support for yourself and your relationship with your partner.

5) IVF may require more than one cycle.

Our entire team at NCFMC will do everything in our power to make your first IVF cycle a success. Realistically, this isn’t the case for every couple. Testing your embryos using preimplantation genetic screening, PGS, increases success rates by helping to determine your best embryo(s) before transfer day. Check out our current IVF success rates. Contact Northern California Fertility Medical Center to work with fertility specialists who are honest, committed and individualize care in the approach to your fertility future. We’ll make sure you know everything you should before embarking on IVF or any other fertility treatment options.