Celebrating Pride Month with NCFMC

Since the day we opened our doors back in 1992, we’ve done all we can to support our Sacramento LGBTQ+ community in making their family-building dreams a reality. Part of that support extends to promoting, celebrating, and attending Sacramento Pride Week activities. June marks Pride Month around the nation, and most of the nation’s cities have a range of events running all month long. The same is true for Sacramento, with the largest focus landing on the official “Pride Weekend,” which includes a festival you don’t want to miss.

Wave Your Flag During Sacramento Pride Weekend

Sacramento’s Pride Weekend is celebrated annually during the second weekend of June. This year, the event takes place June 10 and 11 – and there are all kinds of ways to attend and participate. Pride Festivalcelebrate pride month with ncfmc The Sacramento Pride Festival is a ticketed event and runs Saturday, June 10, 2023, 12 p.m.-9 p.m., and Sunday, June 11, 2023, 12 p.m.- 6 p.m. It is a two-day festival that transforms capitol mall into an LGBTQ+ village and entertainment zone with bars, vendors, and music stages that feature International Stars, Drag Performers, and live musical acts. Here is this year’s line up, including G Flip!  Tickets run from $18 for adults per day or $32 for a weekend pass. Youth/Teens 13 – 17 are $10 per day and $18 for the weekend. Children 12 and under can attend for free. In addition, you can get a free ticket by volunteering – a wonderful way to show your support for the community.

Drag Brunch at Drakes

Kick off Pride in the most fabulous way! Join us on Sunday, June 4th from 11:30AM-1:30PM for an electrifying Drag Brunch that will leave you craving seconds.  There will be a celebration of Pride Month with favorite Drag Queens and the LGBTQ Center all June at Drake’s: The Barn.

Pride Bar Crawl

Now, anyone pursuing fertility treatments is advised to avoid alcohol, sticking to Mocktails and virgin drinks. However, if you’re planning to start your family in the far future, you may enjoy the 6th annual Pride Bar Crawl on Sunday, June 17th. The event starts at Mango’s at 4:00 p.m. and continues through 11:59 at participating events. Obviously, this is an adult-only-affair, but if you’re currently sober your friends will certainly appreciate a safe ride home after they’re done crawling. The Sacramento Pride Bar Crawl is part of a nationwide event that prides itself on being the “proudest crawl of the year.” Participants begin by paying $15, which entitles them to two free drink vouchers and other Pride crawl schwag. While the rest of the drinks are on you, a portion of the event’s proceeds are donated to The Trevor Project.

Davis Pride Rainbow Skate Night

If you happen to live on the other side of the Causeway and want to check out a popular event. On Saturday, June 3rd at 7pm you can come out and Skate with Pride. Meet at Central Park Farmer’s Market Pavilion. It’s sure to be a blast! The next day is a music festival, run, and community events. There’s something for everyone! Festivities run throughout the weekend!

Learn More About LGBTQ+ Family Building Options

The team at the Northern California Fertility Medicine Center hope to see you at one of these and other Sacramento Pride Weekend events. In the meantime, feel free to contact us anytime to learn more about LGBTQ+ family building options, including fertility preservation for transgender individuals. Updated 6/2023

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