The Frozen Embryo Advantage
If you are familiar with the general IVF timeline, you know we do our very best to replicate the human body’s natural rhythm for fertility –> conception –> and implantation.
So, it might come as a surprise to you when we say that frozen embryos have higher success rates than fresh embryos when it comes to optimizing fertility rates.
their toll on a woman’s body. Succinctly put, it is a reproductive hormone roller coaster. When the body goes through all that to produce dozens of eggs, it’s not necessarily in prime shape to then conceive and provide the nourishing environment the embryo needs to develop.
Thus, we believe it is the recuperation time between ovarian stimulation and the eventual transfer of a thawed, frozen embryo(s), that accounts for the differences in success rates. Hormones settle into their more natural balance, and that makes you more receptive when we sync embryo transfer with your uterus’s most receptive window.
Yes! Frozen Embryos Are Better Than Fresh for IVF
In the spirit of “keeping things natural,” you would assume the body would be more receptive to fresh embryos, conceived in sync with your cycle, and that have never been frozen and thawed. Instead, the research and data tell a different story. Studies have been performed all around the world to compare whether freezing embryos impacts IVF chances and the answer is, “Yes; It improves them.” Of course, there will always be exceptions for some individuals. When reviewing the results of a range of global studies, from numerous IVF clinics, researchers have found that patients who opt for frozen embryo transfers benefit in a number of ways, including:- Decreased chances of miscarriage
- Increased chances of implantation
- Greater chances of delivering a healthy, full-term baby
- Healthier babies
- Decreased risk of premature labor
- Healthier mothers
Freezing Embryos Allows Time for the Body to Recalibrate
It’s no mystery that fertility medications, especially the injectable fertility medications used for IVF, take