Thank you for your interest in becoming an Egg Donor at Northern California Fertility Medical Center. To become an egg donor we must first determine your eligibility, please complete this pre-qualification form. Please do not hesitate to contact our office directly if you have any questions regarding our program or egg donation in general. Also keep in mind that all prospective egg donors must meet the following basic criteria:
- Must be a non-smoker
- Must be between the ages of 20 and 30 and in good general health
- Must not have any sexually transmitted diseases or infections
- Must live within two hours of Sacramento, CA
- Must not use the birth control medication Depo-Provera®
- You will change to another method of birth control if currently on Nexplanon / Implanon
- Must not have any family members with inheritable genetic conditions
- Must not have had an immediate family member commit suicide
- You are not currently taking any psychiatric or antidepressant medications
- Must not have lived or stayed in the United Kingdom for three months or longer, or elsewhere in Europe for five years or longer since 1980
- Must not be enlisted or a reservist in the military
- Must not be on financial assistance such as: Medicaid (Medi-Cal), Cash Aid or Food Stamps

If you meet these criteria and feel comfortable having researched the egg donation process, please proceed to the Pre-Qualification form and earn $8000 for your first cycle, $8500 for your second cycle, $9000 for the third, $9500 for the fourth and $10,000 for every following cycle.