Unexplained Infertility: Explained
The diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” is one of the most infuriating things a couple can be told by their fertility specialist. This “diagnosis” comes after multiple appointments for testing and, all too often, repeat infertility cycle failures.
There are a few things we want you to know if you’ve been told you have unexplained infertility (UI):
- You are not alone. RESOLVE states that upwards of one in five couples (and some experts say it’s one-in-four or 25%) will be told they have UI. If you haven’t already, find an online support group and start chatting; your UI sisters and brothers will be there for you.
- There is hope. A notable number of couples with UI (40%+) wind up conceiving – some without ART and some with more expert fertility specialist support.
- Finding an experienced and thorough fertility specialist is essential. Some HMOs are notorious for not referring patients to fertility specialists. Furthermore, some fertility specialists simply aren’t willing to go the extra mile because they prioritize quicker “diagnosis” for more successful IVF rates, leaving UI couples without thorough testing and investigation.
Explaining “The Diagnosis That Isn’t”
Truthfully, unexplained diagnosis is not really a diagnosis at all. It is more of a medical statement that says, “We see that you ovulate fine, your tubes are open and that the sperm seem perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, we are not really sure why you can’t get pregnant and carry a full-term baby.” In order to be labeled with Unexplained infertility, at a minimum, 3 factors need to be examined:- Eggs: Regular cyclic ovulation. If your periods come like clockwork, you can check off that factor (although age does play an important factor).
- Sperm: A normal semen analysis.
- Tubes: A normal hysterosalpingogram (HSG).
Take Action After an Unexplained Infertility Diagnosis
There are three things to do in order to take control of your fertility future after an unexplained infertility diagnosis.1. Find a fertility specialist with a successful UI track record
As we mentioned above, HMOs are notorious for not referring people to outside fertility specialists, and their in-house physicians are not always dedicated to digging deep into trickier infertility cases. Finding the best fertility specialist in your area is key to peeling back the “standard infertility diagnosis” layers and getting closer to the heart of the matter.2. Make sure your tests were complete (and not just the top-layer rungs)
Not all fertility testing protocols are created equal. For example, every couple pursuing infertility testing should have had tests that verified:- An absence of common infertility factors such as endometriosis or PCOS
- Regular ovulation cycles
- Healthy ovarian reserves
- Healthy sperm count, shape, and movement
- There are no uterine or tube abnormalities blocking conception, implantation, or healthy fetal development